

英漢字典: lose one's head

lose one's head   (TTS發音)

become upset; lose one's selfcontrol驚慌失措;失去控制

    He is liable to lose his head. 他容易發脾氣。

    If the politician hadn't gotten angry and lost his head,he never would have slandered his opponent. 如果那個政治家不是生氣並且失去控制的話,他是決不會誹謗他的反對者的。

    Seeing the other car coming toward him at such speed,John lost his head and drove up over the curb into a tree. 看見另一部小汽車飛速向他開過來,約翰驚慌失措把車子開到路邊的鑲邊石上,撞到樹上去了。

    She lost her head when she found the house on fire. 她發現房子著火時驚慌失措。

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